Jean Raine

samedi 25 janvier 2014

BRAFA Art Fair

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La galerie Michel Descours participera à la BRAFA Art Fair du 25 janvier au 2 février 2014.

Des œuvres de Jean Raine seront exposées à cette occasion. Plus de détails prochainement.

mercredi 22 janvier 2014

Spirit of Cobra

Musée de Fort Lauderdale - USA - Nov. 8, 2013 – May 18, 2014

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Organized by the Cobra Museum (Amstelveen, Netherlands) and Nova Southeastern University’s Museum of Art | Fort Lauderdale, with guest curator Brenda Zwart & Katja Weitering

NSU Museum of Art Fort Lauderdale presents Spirit of Cobra, a major exhibition exploring the roots and inspiration of the European avant-garde Cobra movement, on view November 8, 2013 through May 18, 2014. Spirit of Cobra highlights the unique (…)

lundi 6 janvier 2014

FORCEFIELD (a drawing show)

from February 22 until june 15 of 2014

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with works by Jean Raine, Emma Kunz, Francis-Newton Souza, Henk Visch, Ina van Zyl, Jan Roeland, Elmar Trenkwalder, Mark Manders, Phillipe van Snick and others.

A.VE.NU.DE.JET.TE - Institut de Carton vzw
Jetselaan 41 - Avenue de Jette 41
1081 Brussels
(Metro Simonis, 10 minutes walk)

A.VE.NU.DE.JET.TE - INSTITUT DE CARTON vzw, an initiative launched by a few artists, aims at organising two or three times a year a special show in a privately owned house in Brussels. In 2012, we first showed black-outs by Willem Oorebeek. Till (…)